AidAppraiser evaluates charities on 3 main metrics: their Financial Efficiency, their Accreditations and their level of transparency. For a deeper overview on our AidAppraiser rating, check our home page.
AidAppraiser is 100% free to use, whether you’re a potential donor or NGO. We don’t ask for donations or run any ads on our website – as we’re not about the money. Our main focus is to help guide decisions of donors around the world, and make philanthropic giving a nicer experience as a whole.
No. AidAppraiser is completely free to use. No fees are charged, no ads are run.
We ask charities to provide a certain amount of information during the sign-up process. This insures that we can evaluate them effectively and allow potential donors to see all the information necessary.
We update charity evaluations periodically; notably when a charity changes some of their information provided.
We aren’t a donation platform and no donations can be handled directly through our website. Instead, when you want to donate, simply press the redirect button on a charity’s profile to be redirected to their website.
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, feel free to contact support@aidappraiser.com
To list your NGO on AidAppraiser, simply scroll down to our header and press “Sign Up” on the “For NGOs”
Listing as an NGO and receiving an AidAppraiser rating is all completely free. However, we do ask for a certain amount of information in order to process your listing request.
Charity evaluations can take up to 14 business days – and this may be extended during holiday periods
By being listed on AidAppraiser, your NGO can benefit from free publicity as well as having another source of traffic. Furthermore, our detailed charity dashboard allows you to see detailed statistics such as click-through rate, visits, time spent, redirects, emails, calls & more.
Yes. You can update your NGO’s information anytime on our NGO dashboard; and this will be updated on our platform as soon as it is approved.
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, feel free to contact support@aidappraiser.com